Where are we now?

Mark Terry’s new book is out today. He’s the guy who put together this thing, which I have a story in:

Deadly by the Dozen

and he’s doing a blog tour for his new book, so it seemed a good opportunity to see what all the Deadly by the Dozen contributors are up to. Mine’s last, just to make you read everybody else’s. No skipping. Seriously, don’t. I’m warning you.

All the book covers link to Amazon.

Mark Terry - Valley of Shadows

My next Derek Stillwater novel, THE VALLEY OF SHADOWS, hits bookstores (hardcover) and e-bookstores, on June 7th. I’ve fine-tuned a YA novel, THE FORTRESS OF DIAMONDS and commissioned artwork, and expect to e-publish it in July or August so as not to step on SHADOWS. I’m wrapping up a book proposal for my agent called CAPITOL SECRETS, and with any luck my other agent will soon start marketing my nonfiction book proposal, INVISIBLE ENEMY: Military Medicine in World War II, if the person who’s writing the Foreword gets it to me tonight like he claims he’s going to. Aside from that, the usual miscellany of magazine articles, technical journal editing, and columns.


MagicKeepers - Jabberwocky

Um . . . besides taking care of my four kids and my two elderly parents who live with me? You mean like AUTHOR things? LOL! I am promoting the third book in my Magickeepers series (Jabberwocky/SourceBooks), and reading galleys for my December Penguin release (Illuminated). I am working on a dystopic novel . . . and a mommy memoir. And trying to keep my sanity, which is an ongoing battle.

Well, Keith, we’ve just dealt with a failed well and are now staggering
back to organising promotion for literary endeavours. First, we have a novella in Mike Ashley’s next anthology, The Mammoth Book of Historical Crime Fiction, to be published in August. John’s next adventure is Nine For The Devil and will appear next March so that’s also on the promotion menu. We’re also starting to consider John’s next adventure and hoping the first novel in our proposed Victorian hist-mystery series will find a home soon, but there’s not much we can do to influence the latter. Alas, t’was ever thus.


Lettuce is the DevilTRAVIS ERWIN
Thanks to all the research I’ve been doing for my WIP I am up to … 295 pounds. Thanks to motivation from my favorite vegetarian, Erica I began writing a food book titled Lettuce Is The Devil: The Culinary Dogma of a Devout Meat Man. It is a humor book of about 40% essay, 40% memoir, and 20% recipes. I launched a FB page, blog and twitter account of the same title and have already gotten some worthy attention that makes it at least appear as if this book has a chance to get published. I’m also putting together a small collection of my own short stories (3 to be exact) to release as an e-book. As of now I’m calling the collection Whispers and working on a cover. The stories are much different in tone from Plundered Booty or the Lettuce book. These stories deal with love, fear, hope and grief and are my attempt to prove I can write more than humor. Also been busy writing stories for a statewide high school football magazine. Yes, here in Texas high school football really is that serious.


Asking for Trouble - Simon WoodSIMON WOOD
My news is that my latest collection of crime stories, Asking for Trouble, came out in paperback and ebook last week. In September, Did Not Finish comes out in hardback and is the first in a new mystery series set in the world of motor racing. And in November the paperback edition of The Fall Guy comes out.


I’m in a bit of a holding pattern–looking for a publisher for Not Dead Yet, my second Billy Winnetka crime novel. I’ve written a play, Which Way the Wind Blows, which will have a reading on June 6 (and I hope will be workshopped or produced in 2012). Meanwhile, I continue to write my month review column, “Well Read,” for BookPage.


Pocket-47 - Jude HardinJUDE HARDIN
Pocket-47, my debut PI thriller, was released May 2 to rave reviews. I’m currently working on the second Nicholas Colt book, and I’m also working on an episode titled Fire and Ice for Lee Goldberg’s Dead Man series. In addition to those projects, I’ve also recently dipped my feet into the indie waters with a horror novella called Unborn.


I’m on the home stretch of drafting the second installment of my urban fantasy series, called Sentinel, the first of which is due out later this year. I’m also anticipating the release of my third erotic romance in July, Lost Prince, which launches a new space opera series chock full of dogfights in space, rebellion, dangerous aliens, and wanton sex. And May 31st marks another issue of Electric Spec, with 6 stories (including one of mine set in the world of Sentinel), a movie column, and an interview with SF Author Robert J. Sawyer.


Blackbird Fly - Lise McClendonLISE MCCLENDON
I’m finishing up a suspense novel about a Montana cop and her search for family, terrorists, and a Shakespeare manuscript, titled PLAN X. My business partner Katy Munger and I own a small publishing venture, Thalia Press, and we’ve been manically getting our backlist out in electronic formats, as well as working on the print-on-demand side. We’re branching out this year into an author co-op for marketing and branding, to help previously-published authors stand out from the crowd. Katy and I are editing a Thalia short story anthology this fall called Dead of Winter. My suspense novel, Blackbird Fly, is being produced for audio from Iambik. My thriller set in Seattle, Jump Cut, about a television reporter who gets mixed up with heroin and the Russian mafia, is scheduled for release in October.

Oh, and I joined “the twitter”! Follow me and I’ll follow you… @lisemcclendon.


TYPEFLOW - ebooks for Kindle, Nook, iBooks...KEITH SNYDER
My ebook design and production business, TYPEFLOW, has been busy since the moment I announced it. Recent clients:

Building - SJ Rozan   Shimura Trouble - Sujata Massey   The Ambitious Stepmother - Fidelis Morgan

I’m also making notes for the final push on the first draft of what’s threatening to reveal itself as not a novel, but several novels; setting other people’s poems to hiphop beats and crunchy guitar; announcing a call for submissions for a bicycle-themed fiction anthology; and riding bikes with six-year-olds.

And you?



Filed under Books, My writing, Other people's writing, Self-promotion

3 responses to “Where are we now?

  1. thrilled to have (indirect) news of Katy Munger. Somebody tell her please that as soon as the backlist is ebooked, I hope she can get to work on a new one… I like series mysteries– the characters get more and more developed– so another Casey Jones would be fine.

  2. @Mir_B: Katy published a continuation of her Casey Jones series, in print and e-book form: Bad Moon on the Rise, through Thalia Press. You can find it at Amazon and all the usual hangouts! Enjoy.

  3. Pingback: The Latest on the Deadly Dozen « Oh Book Me

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