Monthly Archives: June 2011

Ebook meets audio–another one for the geeks

Another one for the ebook geeks–though it might be worth an eyebrow lift from audio geeks, too.

A conversation on Twitter between #eprdctn people turned to audio (because the new EPUB 3 has audio stuff), and the question of how to code lots of little audio files into your HTML came up. As it turned out, it’s possible to use one big MP3 file and just tell the ebook which region of it you want to hear, but interest persisted in my suggestion of pulling audio information from an Excel file and regexing that into useful code.

(Those of you who are still here–read on. The rest of you already left.)
Continue reading


Filed under Audio production, Design and production, ebook production, Production tricks

Where are we now?

Mark Terry’s new book is out today. He’s the guy who put together this thing, which I have a story in:

Deadly by the Dozen

and he’s doing a blog tour for his new book, so it seemed a good opportunity to see what all the Deadly by the Dozen contributors are up to. Mine’s last, just to make you read everybody else’s. No skipping. Seriously, don’t. I’m warning you. Continue reading


Filed under Books, My writing, Other people's writing, Self-promotion

Don’t judge a book by its JPEG

A post for e-production geeks. The rest of you are excused.

The Ambitious Stepmother, by Fidelis Morgan

One of my recent covers. I mean web images. I mean…

At yesterday’s #eprdctn roundtable, it turns out that you and I aren’t the only ones who can’t keep straight what anyone means by “cover” anymore.

Ebooks don’t have covers.

NOTHING IS COVERED. Continue reading


Filed under Books, Design and production, ebook production, Heresy