Call for Submissions: Bike-themed fiction

The book will be out in December. Facebook page here. Official website coming soon.

Updated August 30, 2011:


“RIDE,” an ebook bike fiction anthology, to be published on Kindle, Nook, etc., as well as print-on-demand.

If it’s a great story and a bicycle figures in it in a non-trivial way (the protagonist seeing a bike leaning against a wall isn’t enough unless it turns out to be a clue later), I want it.

For those who don’t already know me: I’m a novelist by night (and randonneur by weekend) who creates ebooks by day. Also use my bike around NYC as primary transportation as life allows, and have six-year-old twins who think it’s normal to ride eight miles downtown to a playground.

Equal profit split after I recoup whatever I spend on stock art for the cover (edit August 30: and the interior), which I’ll state clearly on the first royalty statement. (Edit July 11: Either that, or an artist will get the same split as everybody else for original art—please share this with any artists you know who might be interested. Edit August 30: Royalties for the POD version will begin after I recoup any hard setup costs, plus the cost of sending copies to reviewers.) Royalties via PayPal only, so author must have a PayPal account. Previously published OK. World rights must be available. Poetry welcome if it tells a story (i.e., goes somewhere and isn’t just description).

Another edit, August 30: It’s usual for the editor to take half the profit, and split the rest among the authors. I’m not doing that. I want great material, I want this book to exist, and I’m willing to pay more for it by taking an equal share of the profit. (How much more will depend on how well this thing does.)

Any genre, any length, any setting, any time period, any kind of cycling. The more diversity—of locations, cycling cultures, story genres—the better. Do you work in a form I haven’t mentioned, and you’re wondering if you should submit? Get in touch.

I’m looking for stories that make me go, “Wow, that was great!” There is no other consideration.

Submit in Word, Pages, or RTF, using standard manuscript formatting.

Questions and submissions: noteon | at | mac | dot | com



Filed under Bicycling, Books, Call for submissions, Favorite, My writing, Other people's writing, Senseless Acts

16 responses to “Call for Submissions: Bike-themed fiction

  1. Pushbikes. What about motorbikes?
    Is there a deadline? (I could write one)


  2. Motorbikes, no. One of these? Oh yeah.

    Deadline…none yet. I’ll probably introduce one soon.

  3. Uh…..

    Where was I not made aware of this?

  4. Pingback: Where are we now? | Keith Snyder

  5. i’m from holyoke mass. several of us were hanging and asking if anyone knew where or what so and so was doing and larry’s name came up. there is no dirt because that is not the kind of person he is. he was a very early triple threat: acting, music, literature. it’s amazing to me that i am familiar with someone who is doing well in the performing arts. bravissimo larry.

  6. Pingback: Keith Snyder Bicycle Fiction Call For Submissions « Urban Velo

  7. Jeanne Ketterer

    Word count?

    • No minimum. 12,000 words or so is a likely top end, as far as what I expect to receive. But this isn’t print, so I don’t have paper costs–if in doubt, query me at the email above.

  8. Is the deadline still September 21? I have a short story set in Vancouver in the 1890s featuring a Bronco fixed pedal bike.

  9. Pat

    where do I send the story?

  10. Pingback: Recent nonfiction « Typeflow

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